KGR Collection


My Story


“Let the beauty of what you love be what you do”
– Rumi

In 2010, while on a trip to India, I was inspired by the rich colors and textures that surrounded me. While soaking up inspiration from some of the most beautiful people in the world, I traded my belongings for as many beads and stones as I could fit in my suitcase.  Weaving the beads and stones together in intricate patterns, I sought to create more than necklaces and bracelets – I wanted to share the experience of this magical culture. This was the beginning of KGR Collection.

Since that trip, I have traveled throughout Asia, Africa, Latin America and Europe seeking unique materials to create one of a kind pieces that speak to every individual.

I went on to study at Parsons School of Design, an education I call on frequently to bring a sense of history to each of my pieces. My goal is to make jewelry that is as stylish as it is timeless.

I feel lucky to be able to share beautiful materials and designs from all over the world and I look forward to making the perfect piece for you.

With love,
Kate Graff-Radford